Saturday, March 31, 2012
Nominal Area Choropleth Maps
Nominal area choropleth maps depict nominal area which is quantitative and random. The different colors on these types of choropleth maps depict variations in data. This particular nominal area choropleth map is broken into two divisions: the political party selections per state based upon the poor voters only. The blue colored states represent the democratic party and the red colored states represent the republican party.
Parallel Coordinate Maps
Friday, March 30, 2012
Windrose maps represent the direction in vector form of the wind at certain speeds. The frequency of the winds at that speed and direction can be determined based on the length of the vector. This example shows the data collected in Seattle, Washington where the most common wind direction appears to be almost due south. The colors in the vector indicate wind speeds in knots, and the legend is also shown to depict the colors.
Statistical Maps
A cartogram is a map on which statistical information is shown in diagrammatic form. It uses some thematic variable which is substituted for land area or distance. The geometry of space of the map is distorted in order to convey the information of this alternate variable. This cartogram example show the HIV AIDs statistics; it bases the depicted area of the countries on how large their percentages are in relation to each other. The countries with the largest percentage of HIV among its people have the largest area and the countries with the smallest percentage are shown as smaller.
Similarity Matrix
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Lorenz Curve
Correlation Matrix
Population Profile
Bilateral Graphs
Index Value Plot
Stem and Leaf Plots
Star Plots
Triangular Plot
Box Plot
Box plots, also known as box or whisker diagrams, are useful in comparing multiple sets of data because they display the median, average, and level of dispersion. This particular box plot shows the data from five experiments along with the true value; these experiments tested the speed of light. The dark black line inside the boxes shows the median value of all the data combined from that particular experimental run and the true value of the speed of light is indicated by the red line.
Proportional Circle Maps
This particular map is an isopleth map; an isopleth is a line drawn on a map through all points of equal value of some measurable quantity. They generalize and simplify data with a continuous distribution. This isopleth map shows the hydrogen ion concentration made at field laboratories. As you can see, the ph is a lot higher on the western part of the US and extremely low in the north eastern part.
Thematic Maps
Isoline Maps
These types of maps are a two diminutional representation of a three-dimensional model. It contains continuous lines joining the points of the same value. Examples would be equal altitude, temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and wind shear. These examples more specifically use contour lines, isotherms, isobars, isotachs, isogons, and isoshears, respectively. They are used to interpret the information on some thematic maps. This map has isolines (more specifically isobars) indicating changes in the pressure. It shows low pressure in the Middle of the states, and higher pressure on both the east and west.
Propaganda Maps
Hypsometric Maps
Hypsometric maps represent the elevation of the terrain with colors. The area in-between two neighboring contour lines receives on specific tint. This particular hypsometric map gives the impression of the topography in Africa. There is a chart displaying what elevation each color depicts. The red indicates the highest elevations, the mountainous areas in central and south Africa. The green depicts the lower-lying areas like the vast flat desert of the Sahara.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Flow Maps
Cadastral Maps
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